bigmir)net TOP 100

Система Orphus

The registration fee: national currency equivalent at the exchange rate on the transaction date before September 25, 2012. 


Registration and Fees



Other countries

Full-time participation

1000 UAH

250 euro

Distance participation*

500 UAH

150 euro

Postgraduate students

500 UAH

150 euro

* before August 15, 2012  – payment for distance participation.


Deadline for manuscripts  July 15, 2012


Download the appication form (MS Word) or use the on-line registration below.


On-line Registration:


First name *

Last name *

Position *

State, city *

Organization *

Address Organization *

Home address *

Phone numbers *

E-mail *

Number and title of the symposium, the session *

Title of the report *

Visual and other aids for demonstration are needed

Registration fee *

Whether the hotel is necessary? *

Suspected date: arrival at the hotel and
departure from the hotel


captcha insert code

* Required fields





Download the application form and send by e-mail to overcome possible difficulties.



Інформаційний лист - завантажити
Информационный лист - скачать
Information for participants - download

PROGRAM. Congress-2012
PROCEEDINGS. Congress-2012. Volume1
PROCEEDINGS. Congress-2012. Volume2
PROCEEDINGS. Congress-2012. Volume3


8-й Міжнародний авіаційно-космічний салон «АВІАСВІТ-ХХІ»

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