Система Orphus


Deadline for manuscripts  June 30, 2014


The language of proceedings is English. Proceeding of the conference will be published on the site.

Materials submitted for publication:

– the volume of the article should not exceed 3-5 full pages. Paper size is A5 (148 x210 mm). Margins – 20 mm  around;

– an article has to be typed in text editor Microsoft Word 97-2003 for Windows, font – Times New Roman – 9, single line space interval between lines.


Requirements to the text of the article:

UDC: left-aligned, space at the bottom 9 pt;

Information about authors: initials, surname, degree in science, in brackets – company, state. Text must be font 9, italic, right-aligned, space from below – 9 pt;

title of the article: font 9, bold, left-aligned, space from below -
9 pt, all letters  capital, without hyphenation;

abstract: font 8, italic, left-aligned without the first line indent, space from left and right – 5mm, space from below – 9 pt, the text should not be longer than 5 lines;

the text of the article: font 9, first line indent of the paragraph is 10 mm, the are made in a form of raster images in the TIFF, JPG formats with the quality of 300-600 dpi (figures are sent together with the article in a separate file): figures can be also made in the graphic editor Microsoft Word in a a one grouped (graphic) file ;

captions to figures, font 8, the text must be justified;

tables: numbering of the tables – font 8, italic, right-alignment; titles of the tables – font 8, bold, the text must be centered;

formulas: it is recommended to use build-in Word for Windows Equation Editor using the following styles:  Text, Function, Variable, Number – Times New Roman; L.C.Greek, U.C.Greek, Symbol – Symbol; Matrix/Vector – Times New Roman, bold. It is recommended to use such font sizes: Full – 9 пт, Symbol – 14 пт, Sub-Symbol – 9 пт, Subscript/Superscript – 7 пт;

conclusion: title – font 9, bold, separate section (space from above –
9 pt, from below – 6pt, centered) or inside the text, text – font 9;

references: title (references) – font 9, bold, centered, space from above – 9 pt, from below – 6 pt; text must be typed as numbered list, space from the first line of the paragraph – 10mm, the text must be justified; surnames and initials of the authors of references, title of references, volume etc. – font 9, surnames and initials of the authors of references – italic.


For foreign participants:

Materials should be sent to the e-mail: congress@nau.edu.ua or in hard copy and on CD-ROM to the Organizing Committee. The materials should include:

- A registration card;

- The text of the report and pictures in separate files.


For participants from Ukraine;

Materials should be sent to the e-mail: congress@nau.edu.ua and in hard copy and on CD-ROM to the Organizing Committee. The materials should include:

- A registration card;

- The text of the report and pictures in separate files.

- A copy of expert’s permission.


Reports will be not  edited before print. Authors are responsible for the content of the report.

Each participant can be an author or co-author of not more than two articles.

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