// mysql required variables $host = "db.nau.edu.ua"; $user = "nauwww_congress"; $password = "TAU82G5P"; $database = "nauwww_congress"; ?>
Dear Colleagues!![]() You are welcome to take part in the Third World Congress “AVIATION IN THE XXI-st CENTURY” - "Safety in Aviation and Space Technology", which will be held at the National Aviation University, Kiev, Ukraine, September 22-24, 2008. This Congress is organized by the National Aviation University (Kyiv). The Congress objective is to analyze global trends in safety aviation and to discuss practical, experimental and theoretical achievements in the field. Languages of the Congress are English, Russian and Ukrainian. The First and Second International Congress "AVIATION IN THE XXI-st CENTURY" organized in 2003 and 2005 years respectively by the National Aviation University of Ukraine (NAU), Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Regional Air Navigation Services Development Association (RADA) and supported by International Civil Aviation Organization (ІCАО), Civil Air Navigation Services Organization (СANSO), European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) and French Aeroengine Company SNECMA have been very successful. The Congress Proceedings were published by NAU and well received by the professional community. Both events demonstrated high interest of the international aviation and scientific community to theoretical and practical aspects of the safety and information assurance in aviation. |
ProceedingsAll papers accepted for presentation at the Congress will be included in the Congress Proceedings. Registration is a prerequisite for paper inclusion in the Proceedings. The length of the published paper should be 4 pages (authors will be notified about format in due time). The Proceedings will be distributed on CD. Printed copies of the Proceedings (of every symposium) will also be available. Memorandum for participantsProceeding will be published. Materials submitted for publication should meet the requirements listed below: The volume of the article should not exceed 8 full pages. Paper size is A4 (210 297 mm). Margins - 20 mm around. The text of the report, abstract, tables and drawings must be integrated in one piece. The contributions are to cover up to four full A4 pages including abstract (up to 50 words), tables and figures. An article has to be typed in text editor Word for Windows. You should work in automatic hyphenation mode. Font - Times New Roman, font 12, single line space interval between lines. Requirements to the text of the article: UDC - left-aligned, space at the bottom 12 pt; Information about authors - initials, surname, degree in science, in brackets - company, state. Text must be "italic", right-aligned, space from above and from below - 12 pt; Title of the article. The title must be as short as possible and to characterize precisely and briefly the area of submission (section) - bold, left-aligned, space from above and from below - 12 pt, all letters capital, without hyphenation; Abstract - italic, font 11, left-aligned without the first line indent, space from above and from below - 10 pt, space from top and bottom - 12 pt, the text should not be longer than 5 lines; The text of the article - first line indent of the paragraph is 10 mm, the text must be justified; captions to figures - font 11, the text must be centered; titles of the tables - font 11, bold, , the text must be centered, numbering - italic, font 11, right-alignment; formulas - it is recommended to use build-in Word for Windows Equation Editor using the following styles: Text, Function, Variable, Number - Times New Roman; L.C.Greek, U.C.Greek, Symbol - Symbol; Matrix/Vector - Times New Roman, bold. It is recommended to use such font sizes: Full- 12 pt, Subscript/Superscript - 7 pt, Symbol - 18 pt, Sub-Symbol - 12 pt; Conclusion - separate section or inside the text. References: Title (references) - bold, centered, space from above - 12 pt, from below - 6 pt; surnames and initials of the authors of references - font 11, italic; list -, font 12, space from below 6 pt, indent on the left of the line which is not first in a paragraph - 8 mm, text must be justified and typed as numbered list. Reports in Ukraine, Russian or English must be printed in one copy and recorded on floppy disk 3,5". Reports in English can be accompanied with abstract in Russian. One printed copy of the report and its version on a floppy disk must be submitted to the conference committee. The information on the floppy disk must include: - text of the report with abstract ( in the language of report) with tables, drawings and list of used references; - file of abstract with the title of the article and information about authors. - all in English. Authors from Ukraine are to submit a copy of expert's permission. Reports will be not edited before print. Authors are responsible for the content of the report. |
Important DatesYear 2008
International Programming CommitteeI. Vakarchuk, Ministry of Education and Science, Ukraine D.Kiva, Chief designer of “Antonov” ASTC, Ukraine A. Shpack, National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine B. Stogniy, National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine Y.Yatskiv, National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine V. Kharchenko, National Aviation University, Ukraine D.Babeychuk, Regional Air Navigation Services Development Association, Ukraine Yu. Cherednichenko, UkSATSE, Ukraine R.Ginevicius, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania Hab.Antoni Jarosz, Panstwowa Wyzsza Szkola Zawodowa W Jaroslawiu, Poland Hab.Jozef Zajac, Panstwowa Wyzsza Szkola Zawodowa W Chelmie, Poland W.A. Herrmann, Technischen Universitat Munchen, Germany M.Ikramov, Tashkent State Aviation Institute, Uzbekistan Jiang Cheng Yong, Taizhou University, China Jose Manuel Roldan Nogueras, University of Cordoba, Spain Jose Morales Oroze, Institute Politecnico National, Mexico Jun-Ku Yuh, Hankuk Aviation University, Southern Korea H.Kokenge, Technische Universitet Dresden, Germany I.Knets, Riga Technical University, Latvia M.Kudryavtsev, Moscow Phisical-Technical Institute, Russia P.Losiewicz, Program Manager of European Office of Aerospace Research and Development (EOARD) Ch.Mari, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France Miguel Florencio Lora, University of Seville, Spain L.Otto, Hochschule Mittweida, Germany V.Skormin, State University of New York, USA F.Surmeli, Anadolu University, Turkey Taisir Taji, Queen Noor Civil Aviation Technical College, Jordan S.Tepnadze, Georgian Aviation University, Tbilisi A.Torkunov, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Russia Wang Yuanming, Zhejiang Wanli University, China Xu Xianmin, Jiaixng University, China J.Zmija, Akademia Rolnicza W Krakowie, Poland |
National Aviation University![]() The Congress will take place in the campus of the National Aviation University. The history of the University dates back to August 1933. This educational institution has become a real cradle of aviation specialists training for Ukraine and almost 90 countries of the world, as well as a powerful scientific and research center. Powerful scientific schools in the fields of management, mechanics, electronics, electrical engineering, materials science, information technologies, computer science and computer facilities have been created at the University. Our site is http://www.nau.edu.ua |
Sponsorship![]() General Sponsor We wish to thank the following for their contribution to the success of this conference: European Office of Aerospace Research and Development of the USAF. Information Sponsor
Bank Accessories of the Organising Committee:For registration fee: Dollar account:
"Registration fee to sub-account 712/283 for participation (report) in the World Congress "Safety in Aviation and Space Technology".
Euro account:
"Registration fee to sub-account 712/283 for participation (report) in the World Congress "Safety in Aviation and Space Technology".
Before And After Congress Tours![]() A few two/three days alternative tours at week-ends both before and soon after the Congress are planned. Post symposium tours will be arranged to various places of interest in Kiev. Kyiv is one of largest and very beautiful cities of Europe. It was founded more than 1500 years ago. Sightseeing- tour on 17.09.2003
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SymposiaSymposia of the Third World Congress “AVIATION IN THE XXI-st CENTURY” - "Safety in Aviation and Space Technology" are the following:
Registration fees:
You can submit your registration information down here in web form. |
if ($fname!='' && $lname!='' && $email!='' && $tel!='' && $fax!='' && $adress!='' && $title!='' && $keywords!='')
$sql = "INSERT INTO `congress` (`num`, `fname`, `lname`, `email`, `tel`, `fax`, `adress`, `title`, `keywords`) VALUES ('', '".$fname."', '".$lname."', '".$email."', '".$tel."', '".$fax."', '".$adress."', '".$title."', '".$keywords."')";
@mysql_connect ($host, $user, $password) or die ("Could not connect to MySQL databese. Sorry, but your data hasn't been inserted.");
mysql_select_db($database) or die ("Could not select nessesery database");
mysql_query ($sql) or die ("Query string is wrong!");
echo " Thank you!"; } else { echo " Sorry, you should not leave blank fields! Fill it and submit form again! "; }?> |
@mysql_connect ($host, $user, $password) or die ("Could not connect to MySQL databese.");
mysql_select_db($database) or die ("Could not select nessesery database");
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `congress`";
$result = mysql_query ($sql) or die ("Something went wrong");
$i = 1;
while ($out = mysql_fetch_assoc ($result))
echo "
Idia & Text Implementation by National Aviation University of Ukraine [2002-2004] Design & Graphics by Brain Depot c-format [2002-2005] |