1. Modern space and aviation technologies

1.1 Automation and energy saving on aviation transport.
1.2 Modern technologies of aircrafts airworthiness support
1.3 Aircraft fatigue and fracture.
1.4 Modern tribotechnologies in aircraft and general purpose mechanical engineering.
1.5 Engines and Power Installations
1.6 Methods and facilities of technical and medical diagnostics
1.7 Automated process control systems
1.8 Information technology and systems in the aviation industry
1.9 Intelligent robotic systems and measuring systems
1.10 Cybersecurity of civil aviation
1.11 Mathematical modeling and numerical methods
1.12 Computer systems
1.13 Advanced information technologies in aviation

2. Unmanned Aircraft Systems


3. Air Navigation and ATM Systems

3.1 Рrospects for the development of aviation telecommunication systems
3.2 Aviation English for flight safety
3.3 Control of Complex Systems
3.4 Avionics
3.5 Human Factors: engineering and technical, psychological and medical-biological aspects
3.6 Air Navigation and ATM Systems


4. IEEE International Radar Methods and Systems Workshop 
(September 27-28, 2016)


5. Environmental protection

5.1 Biotechnology in aviation
5.2 Landmanagement, cadastre and landmonitoring
5.3 Chemical technology and engineering
5.4 Environmental protection


6. Aviation chemmotology

  • aviation alternative fuels;
  • aviation chemmotology and fuel delivery;
  • quality of aviation fuel and safety of flights;
  • de-icing and anti-icing airport systems;
  • additives for aviation
  • fuels and lubricants, nanotribotechnologies


7. Communication factor in modern international relations

7.1 Information and legal foundations of international relations
7.2 The transformation of journalism in the context of technologizing the world and the processes of globalization
7.3 Round Table “Providing Competitiveness in Aerospace Field of Ukraine on the World Market”


8. Economy and management in aviation

  • Management of business in the area of aviation transport;
  • Organization and technologies of aviation operations and flighs;
  • Logistic engineering of transport services;
  • Economic safety in aviation;
  • Aviation and globalization in economy.


9. Human Factor in Aviation

  • Social, political, moral and psychological components of aviation safety
  • Psychology of aircraft safe operation and modern ergatic systems
  • Human factor management: current situation and prospects
  • Language modeling of aviation information systems
  • Anthropological and historical-cultural dimensions of aviation safety


10. Problems of development of the modern airport

10.1 Urban, industrial, civil and transport construction
10.2 Design of architectural environment
10.3 Industrial art and design


11. Air and space law: international and national issues of security


12. Іnnovative technology of professional training on the basis of higher education


13. ICAO safety strategies

