You are welcome to take part in the Fourth World Congress “AVIATION IN THE XXI-st CENTURY” - "Safety in Aviation and Space Technologies", which will be hosted by the National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine on September 21-23, 2010.
The Congress is aimed at gathering aviation research and industry experts to share ideas on global trends in aviation safety and space technologies as well as to discuss research results and best practices in the area.
The official languages of the Congress are English, Russian and Ukrainian. The language of proceedings is only English.
Proceeding of the conference will be printed and recorded on CD.
Materials submitted for the publication should meet the following requirements:
An abstractsize up to 4 pages of A4 (210 x 297). Margins all around – 2.0.
All parts of the abstract including an summary (up to 50 words), tables and drawings submitted as a whole.
The materials are submitted in the format of Microsoft Word 97-2003 for Windows, Times New Roman, font 12, single line space.
Requirements to the text outline:
Information about authors – initials, surname, degree in science, in brackets - company, state. Text must be font 12, italic, right-aligned, space from below - 12 pt; Title of the abstract. The title must be as short as possible and to characterize precisely and briefly the area of submission (section) – font 12, bold, left-aligned, space from below - 12 pt, all letters capital, without hyphenation; Summary- font 11, italic, left-aligned without the first line indent, space from left and right – 5mm, space from below - 12 pt, the text should not be longer than 5 lines; The text of the abstract - first line indent of the paragraph is 10 mm, the text must be justified; captions to figures, titles of the tables– font 11, the text must be centered; numbering of the tables– font 11, italic, right-alignment; formulas – it is recommended to use build-in Word for Windows Equation Editor using the following styles: Text, Function, Variable, Number – Times New Roman; L.C.Greek, U.C.Greek, Symbol – Symbol; Matrix/Vector – Times New Roman, bold. It is recommended to use such font sizes: Full- 12 pt, Subscript/Superscript - 7 pt, Symbol - 18 pt, Sub-Symbol – 12 pt; Conclusion: Title –font 12, bold, separate section(space from above – 12 pt, from below – 6pt, centered) or inside the text. text - font 12; References: title (references) - font 12, bold, centered, space from above – 12 pt, from below – 6 pt; text must be typed as numbered list, space from left – 5mm; space from the first line of the paragraph – 5mm, space from below 6 pt, justified; surnames and initials of the authors of references, title of references, volume etc. – font 11, surnames and initials of the authors of references – italic.
Reports in English must be printed in one copy and recorded on a floppy disk 3,5" or CD. Reports in English can be accompanied with abstract in Ukrainian or in Russian. One printed copy of the report and its version on a floppy disk or CD must be submitted to the congress committee. The information on the floppy disk must include:
- text of the report with abstract (in English) with tables, drawings and list of references;
- file of abstract with the title of the article and information about authors - all in English.
Authors from Ukraine are to submit a copy of expert's permission.
Reports will be not edited before print. Authors are responsible for the content of the report.
case 'important_dates': ?>
Deadline for abstract
June 15, 2010
Deadline for on-line registration
June 30, 2010
case 'programming_committee': ?>
International Programming Committee
Кулик Микола Сергійович
ректор Національного авіаційного університету
Табачник Дмитро Володимирович
міністр освіти і науки України
Алексєєв Юрій Сергійович
генеральний директор Національного космічного агентства України
Ківа Дмитро Семенович
президент-генеральний конструктор АНТК ім. Антонова, член-кореспондент НАН України
Шпак Анатолій Петрович
перший віце-президент НАН України, академік НАН України
Бабейчук Дмитро Георгійович
заступник голови Державної авіаційної адміністрації
Яцків Ярослав Степанович
директор головної астрономічної обсерваторії НАН України, академік НАН України
Луцький Максим Георгійович
перший проректор університету
Харченко Володимир Петрович
проректор університету з наукової роботи
Члени програмного комітету:
R. Ginevicius
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania
J. Stankunas
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania
Antoni Jarosz
Panstwowa Wyzsza Szkola Zawodoma w Jaroslawiu, Poland
W. A. Herrmann
Technical University Munich, Germany
Jiang Cheng Yong
Taizhou University, China
Jose Morales Oroze
National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico
Jun-Ku Yuh
Korea Aerospace University
Il – Young Chung
Aviation Policy Bureau, Ministry of Construction and Transportation, Korea
Dominique Collin
Aircraft External Noise Research Network and Coordination Snecma Moteurs, France
Michael Muth
Aerospace Initiative Saxony, Germany
Werner Hufenbach
Institute for Lightweight Structures and Polymer Technology at Dresden University of Applied Science, Germany
I. Knets
Riga Technical University, Latvia
Anna Zucco
Ecole Centrale De Lyon, France
F. Surmeli
Anadolu University, Turkey
S. Tepnadze
Georgian Aviation University, Georgia
A. Torkunov
Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Russia
Wang Yuanming
Zhejiang Wanty University, China
Xu Xianmin
Jiaixing University, China
J. Zmija
Academia Rolnicza w Krakowie, Poland
Patrick Larroque
Airbus Industry
Jean-Francois Salaun
Airbus Industry
Iouri Tchekanov
Airbus Industry
Jozef Zajac
State University of Applied Science in Chelm, Poland
Beata Falda
State University of Applied Science in Chelm, Poland
Janusz Sledzinski
State School of Higher Education in Chelm, Poland
Andrzej Felluer
State School of Higher Education in Chelm, Poland
Janusz Poweska
International High School of Logistic and Transport in Wroclaw, Poland
case 'about_university': ?>
National Aviation University
The Congress will take place in the campus of the National Aviation University. The history of the University dates back to August 1933. Since then it has become a real cradle of future aviation specialists for Ukraine and other countries. Nowadays the University is the largest educational and research center famous for its scientific schools in aeronavigation, management, mechanics, electronics, electrical engineering, information technologies, computer sciences, diagnostic equipment.
For more details please link to our website
case 'sponsorship': ?>
General Sponsor
We wish to thank the following for their contribution to the success of this conference: European Office of Aerospace Research and Development of the USAF.
Information Sponsor
case 'bank_accesories': ?>
Bank requisites
For registration fee:
Euro account: Intermediary:
1) SWIFT: COBADEFF A/N 400886524801
Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany Account with Institution:
SWIFT: BRBBUAUX, BROKBUSINESSBANK, Kiev, Ukraine Beneficiary Customer:
Acc 2600516010/978
National Aviation University,
Ukraine, 03680, Kyiv, Kosmonavta Komarova ave, 1
"Registration fee to sub-account 712/283 for participation (report) in the World Congress "AVIATION IN THE XXI-st CENTURY".
In your payment slip you indicate "For participation in the work of the World Congress " AVIATION IN THE XXI-st CENTURY ", surnames and names of participants.
Dollar account: Intermediary:
SWIFT: COBADEFF A/N 4008865248
Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany Account with Institution:
SWIFT: BRBBUAUX, BROKBUSINESSBANK, Kiev, Ukraine Beneficiary Customer:
Acc 2600516010/840
National Aviation University,
Ukraine, 03680, Kyiv, Kosmonavta Komarova ave, 1
"Registration fee to sub-account 712/283 for participation (report) in the World Congress "AVIATION IN THE XXI-st CENTURY".
In your payment slip you indicate "For participation in the work of the World Congress " AVIATION IN THE XXI-st CENTURY ", surnames and names of participants.
case 'congress_tours': ?>
Before And After Congress Tours
A few two/three days alternative tours at week-ends both before and soon after the Congress are planned.
Post symposium tours will be arranged to various places of interest in Kiev.
Kyiv is one of largest and very beautiful cities of Europe. It was founded more than 1500 years ago.
Sightseeing- tour on 17.09.2003
Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Myhaylivsky Cathedral
Pirogovo- museum
Lunch in the museum's restaurant
Souvenirs shops in Podol
River Dnieper voyage (restaurant available)
case 'symposium': ?>
Symposia of the Fourth World Congress “AVIATION IN THE XXI-st CENTURY” - "Safety in Aviation and Space Technology" are the following:
1. Modern space and aviation technologies
Latest technologies for maintaining aircraft airworthiness
Diagnostic systems used in aerospace complex
Power and resource of aircraft strength and durability
Aerodynamics and flight safety
Intellectual robotics measuring complexes and systems
Automation and energy saving on transport
Information security and confidentiality in aviation
Computer technologies
2. Aeronavigation
Safety in aeronavigation
Systems of communication, navigation, surveillance and air traffic management (CNS/ATM)
// if ($fname!='' && $lname!='' && $email!='' && $tel!='' && $adress!='' && $title!='' && $keywords!='')
$eemail=explode('@', $email);
if(!getmxrr($emailhost, $mxhostsarr)){
$email= '';}
if ($fname!='' && $lname!='' && $email!='' && $tel!='' && $adress!='' && $title!='' && $keywords!='' && $codd=='3834' )
$sql = "INSERT INTO `congress` (`num`, `fname`, `lname`, `email`, `tel`, `adress`, `title`, `keywords`) VALUES ('', '".$fname."', '".$lname."', '".$email."', '".$tel."', '".$adress."', '".$title."', '".$keywords."')";
@mysql_connect ($host, $user, $password) or die ("Could not connect to MySQL databese. Sorry, but your data hasn't been inserted.");
mysql_select_db($database) or die ("Could not select nessesery database");
mysql_query ($sql) or die ("Query string is wrong!");
echo "
Thank you!";
echo "
Sorry, you should not leave blank fields! Fill it and submit form again!
case "view": ?>
@mysql_connect ($host, $user, $password) or die ("Could not connect to MySQL databese.");
mysql_select_db($database) or die ("Could not select nessesery database");
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `congress`";
$result = mysql_query ($sql) or die ("Something went wrong");
$i = 1;
while ($out = mysql_fetch_assoc ($result))
echo "